Our new online long-term condition service

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We are writing to introduce you to our new online care service to support you with condition management.

We are excited to work with Suvera, a trusted digital health NHS Partner, to bring this service to you. They already support patients nationwide to make managing your health much easier.

What will you have access to?

As part of this new online long-term condition service Suvera provides, you will have access to a secure patient portal. From here, you can submit information about your health from home.

When you’ve shared information about your health, a dedicated and specialised care team at the practice will review your data. They will then provide clinical support all year round for your condition management.

How will this benefit you as a patient?

By working with Suvera, we hope to improve your experience with the practice with the following benefits:

  • Providing easier and more flexible access to appointments throughout the year.
  • Giving you a more active role in managing your health.
  • Helping you get the medications and treatments you need faster, so you stay in good health for longer.

Submitting information

You will receive a text message inviting you to use the online clinic and a link to our patient portal. To access the patient portal, use your full name and date of birth to log in.

Answer the questions or submit your blood pressure readings through the patient portal. Any information you share is safe and \\secure and won’t be shared with anyone but your GP practice.

Ongoing appointment

A member of the care team will review the information you share and decide what the actions or next steps should be.

If you need an appointment, this will be done on the phone or via video call. In this appointment, you will discuss your long-term conditions, medicines, and other important lifestyle factors like diet and exercise.

Find out more

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Surgery or Suvera.

Find out more about Suvera, you can call 0800 808 5288 or visit www.suvera.com/patients